Sunday, April 26, 2009

Structured Strongman Training Session Highlights: 25 April 2009 - Strongman Sled Drags and Powerlifting Club Squats

You want Bigger, Better, Stronger, Legs?

Then you've gotta eat this!

Strongman Sled Drag was the main course for the day (with another delectable side dish).

With temperatures soaring to almost 32 degrees, the afternoon heat was sweltering and enervating today. Given a choice, the average person would rather spend his time training in an air conditioned gym or even chill out in shopping malls…But we Behemoths are not your average, run of the mill weight trainees… Despite the sweltering afternoon heat, our members never let their energy waver. Indeed, they managed to put in a fabulous session with their sense of togetherness and enthusiasm.

In the Strong(wo)man Spotlight today, our newest female member, AJ.

AJ is not your stereotypical local female who hates the sunlight and would rather be in a nail spa on a hot Saturday afternoon. She is indeed made of sterner stuff and this was manifested in her sled pull performance. It must be noted that this was her first time training with the sled. Nevertheless, she marked her debut strongman training session with some impressive numbers. She currently holds the female record for the heaviest load ever pulled -160kg…and with a very impressive timing as well- sub 17 seconds.

Welcome to the family, AJ!

Today's Powerlifting Club was conducted by Van-who has been tutored at the revered Dr Ken's Strength Training facility in the U.S. of A.

Van shared with the rest his vast knowledge about the squat. He was on hand to provide valuable tips with regards to the execution of the lift.

Keeping the back tight (and we mean really squeezing it!) allows the bar to be place in a more powerful position.

Making sure the knees go where the toes are pointing.

With every minor detailed covered - including feet stance, correct grip and optimum placement of the bar to indroducing new terms such as a 'Butt Wink' and ' Exploding out of the Hole", every member can say that they left the session today with many important takeaways to lift safer and Stronger!

If you want to better your Lifts, your Body and Yourself,

We'll be happy to help.
Simply drop us an email at or call/sms us 91011721 to book your free trial session.