Indeed many of us will never find out.
Manhandling someone overhead isn't the most viable of stress release channels in Singapore.
But the closest thing to it - would be to do that to our Log!
The only Strongman Log Press in Singapore, as we know it!
Here are the highlights of the week's session.
Mitch, a student, maybe thinking about his teacher.
Ryan, a teacher, probably thinking about his students.
Maybe his Head of Department too.
Kevin, an NSman, could be reacalling fond memories of his Sergeant.
What will you think of when you try your hand at Log Pressing?
Come on over and find out!
Powerlifting Club Deadlifts
We at Team Iron Behemoths are crazy for cookies!
Not the kind with sugar coated rainbow sprinkles though.
Our 100% pure sun baked metal cookies are coated with a thin layer of tasteless, inedible rubber and weigh 2okg a piece!
Still, we can't stop having more by the week at our Powerlifting Club!
The delectable term first came about in a Bench session between a former American UN Peacekeeper and The HULK back in the year 2000.
Oddly enough, the gunslinger was now a language lecturer and the HULK was still a student, still a Bruce Banner burying himself in books.
While piling on the plates for a final 160kg set, out of Stephen Ryan came the immortal words,
"Doesn't that 20kg plate look like a giant cookie to you?"
Samuel "The Student" Lim concured.
And the rest is local Powerlifting history!
Here are the proud inductees of the Cookie Club this week -
Strongman Spotlight
And a new member in the 4 Cookie Club?
We build your PB over here.
A 180kg personal best sees you in the Spotlight this week!
This is what he jubilantly wrote in to say after -
"I do a lot of deadlifts over the year, but Team Iron Behemoths corrected me on my form as well as improve on my technique. I was steadily hitting 150kg to 160kg back in the past, but that was my plateau. Just recently, with the encouragement from everyone and the advice given to correct my form, I've successfully hit a deadlift PB of 180kg! I'm very satisfied with this result and I'm looking forward to hitting a 200kg in the future with the Behemoths! Thanks to everyone who was there to encourage! If you wanna get stronger the safe way, look no further, Team Iron Behemoths is always here! Cheers!" - Ralph, 17
We appreciate the pat on the back, Ralph. Keep it up!
We have a good feeling you'll be writing in about more Personal Bests to come, after all, you've only been here for less than a month!
Give yourself a shot at getting Stronger with us like Raphael!
Simply email or call/text 91011721 to book your FREE First Timer Trial Session now!