Friday, April 30, 2010

Bill Nancarrow Powerlifting Australia

Team Iron Behemoths is proud to welcome Bill Nancarrow of Powerlifting Australia to sunny Singapore. A veteran known to all in the powerlifting scene, Bill now manages the National Powelifting Team down under. What an inspration he turned out to be and we are grateful for his coaching clinics at The Behemoth's Lair!

Always one to lead by example, Bill reps out on the Bench before the clinic starts.

Enlightening us on Powelifting Association rules.

Something he should know heaps about as Bill is also a seasoned Powerlifting judge in his country.

Ever passionate about Powerlifting, something Bill shares in common with our team.

Going through the nitty gritty details of the squat which differed from member to member.

Member Chee Piang receives expert advice on the lift.

Giving him the confidence to squat bigger and better on his own.

Yoshida performs the squat to the requisite depth with Bill keenly ensuring the lift is good.

Learning to give the commands that make a lift legal. Squat! Rack it!

Kevin pays attention to keeping the bar in line thus making the lift easier.

Even The Hulk gets to get his form checked by Bill.

Never can be too good right?

Thank you Bill for making us better!

At Team Iron Behemoths, we get Stronger together. With World Class friends in for the ride too.
We welcome you to join us.